

  • Grievance Redressal Committee

  • Internal Complaints Committee

  • SC, ST & OBC Committee

  • Gender sensitization for students

  • Library Committee



SRMIST has an EOC established on-campus as per the guidelines of the UGC to provide equal opportunities to all members of the college community and all students, staff, and faculty.

This body ensures that all students and employees are treated equally and addresses any of the deep-rooted biases and inequalities in our system

The university is committed to offering admission as per the reservation policy as assigned for SC/ST, minorities, PWD, weaker sections of society, etc. The EOC works towards ensuring that the social disparities are eliminated and adequate representation is provided to all within the campus.

A major part of the work of EOC is to provide any assistance required to and oversee the effective implementation of policies for the disadvantaged groups. They deal with any mobility and accessibility issues that might have crept up on campus and ensure that the infrastructure as well as the policies provide an enabling environment that is suitable for all.

The members of the EOC

S.No Name Designation Department Position
1 Dr. Ranjana Dubey Assistant Professor & Chief Superintendent of Examinations Chemistry Chairperson
2 Dr. Rupak Sharma Associate Professor MCA Member
3 Dr. Pallavi Jain Associate Professor & Head, Student Welfare Chemistry Member
4 Mr. Elavarasan G. Assistant Professor & Assistant Manager, Purchase Mechanical Member
5 Mr. Debasish Mukherjee Father of Debasmita Mukherjee
--- Parent Member
6 Mr. Keshav Bhatia Student RA2211056030009 CSE
(Data Science)
Student Member

SRMIST established a Women's Grievance Cell to address any grievances of the female students, staff, and faculty.

We are committed to provide a fully confidential and supportive environment to all the female members of our campus community.

The mandate of this Cell at the institute is to address:

  • The facilities and needs of the women faculty, staff and students
  • Problems arising out of any gender-related discrimination

To this end, SRMIST organizes awareness camps, meetings, and seminars while promoting the work of this cell to allow recognition of the rights of women. This right to equality has been provided by the Constitution of India that includes the right to equality before the law, the prohibition of any kind of discrimination related to gender as well as providing equal opportunities in the academic field and their careers.


Dr. Ranjana Dubey Assistant Professor (Chemistry),
Chief Superintendent Examinations
9818944151, ranjanad@srmist.edu.in

Also you can Email at wgc@srmimt.net

The members of the WGC

S.No Name Designation Department Position
1 Dr. Ranjana Dubey Assistant Professor & Chief Superintendent of Examinations Chemistry Chairperson
2 Dr. Rupali Singh Associate Professor & Head ECE Member
3 Dr. Garima Pandey Associate Professor & Head Chemistry Member
4 Dr. Kanika Garg Assistant Professor CSE Member
5 Dr. RuchiTripathi Assistarrt Professor Management Member
6 Ms. Dhanusiya B. Assistant Professor EEE Member
7 Ms. Swati Sharma Lecturer cum Assistant Manager HM Member
8 Ms. Praveen Sharma Admission Counselor Administration Member
9 Ms. Reshma Supervisor Administration Member

Caste prejudiced violence and sentiments are rising throughout our Nation and so the educational institutions should inculcate in the minds of faculty and students that people should protect and defend the dignity of each individual through respect for human rights and the rule of law.

With a view to providing a safe and secure learning ambience for the students. SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) takes every possible step to eradicate any form of caste-based prejudices and discrimination in the Institute. The management along with the complete support of its faculty and staff has been able to maintain a peaceful environment where no sign of discrimination is tolerated.

In case there is a situation where in the students/ faculty feels let down or humiliated due to some callous comment of someone or if he/ she feels that they are being targeted by a particular faculty/ peers due to their extremist and biased belief in caste, such persons can lodge a complaint at the e-mail id ranjanad@srmist.edu.in that will reach the committee members who would take it forward for further action followed by an enquiry for justice to be delivered

The members of the prevention of Caste Based Discrimination

S No. Name Designation Department Position
1 Dr. S. Viswanathan Director Administration Chairperson
2 Dr. Anchal Mishra Professor MBA Member
3 Dr. Ranjana Dubey Assistant Professor Chemistry Member
4 Dr. Dhowmya Bhatt Associate Professor IT Member
5 Dr. Gyanendra Prasad Bagri Assistant Professor Mechanical Member
6 Mr. Dhanesh Kumar Bharti Assistant Professor Mechanical Member
7 Ms. Reshma Supervisor Administration Member